Are Biopsies Safe? What the Science Tells Us

Biopsies are a medical procedure most often used to diagnose and stage cancer. They also play a critical role in helping physicians determine the best treatment options for a patient’s specific disease. Yet many patients are reluctant to do a biopsy and, in some cases, are refusing to do them. In this article, we’ll take … Continued

The Myth of “False Hope”

For people touched by cancer, the term “hope” can mean different things. At a basic level, of course you hope to get rid of your cancer and then stay free of the disease. In this context, hope is simply a form of wish fulfillment: You desire, and to some degree, expect, a full-fledged recovery. Implicit … Continued

“Can We Justify The Continued Use of Chemotherapy?”

“You have cancer.” Three of the most dreaded and frightening words someone will ever hear. As the process of becoming “a patient” begins, a new fear often begins to take over: the fear of chemotherapy. In fact, we frequently hear from patients that their fear of treatment is greater than the fear of the disease … Continued

Cherry & Walnut Buckwheat Porridge

Ingredients – Makes 2 Servings 1/2 cup Buckwheat Groats (dry) 2 cups Water 3/4 cup Frozen Cherries 2 tbsps Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt 2 tbsps Chopped Walnuts   Directions: Add the buckwheat groats and water to a medium pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cover, cooking for 15-20 minutes or until … Continued

Green Pea & Mint Sunflower Dip

  Ingredients: 2 cups Frozen Peas (thawed) 2 Garlic (cloves, skin removed) 1/4 Sunflower Seeds 1/2 cup Mint Leaves 3 tbsps Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 tbsps Lemon Juice 1/2 tsp Sea Salt Directions: Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend for two to five minutes, or until desired consistency. Makes 4 Servings. … Continued

Can We Still Justify The Use Of Chemotherapy – Part 2

Last February, Dr. Block was one of 6 participants in an extended version of Robin Daly’s Yes To Life ( radio show on UK Health Radio. In our last blog, we posted part 1 of his answer to Robin’s question: “Chemotherapy in particular may be considered to harm more people than it helps. Can we … Continued

Can We Justify The Continued Use Of Chemotherapy?

“You have cancer.” Three of the most dreaded and frightening words one can ever hear. And as the process of becoming “a patient” begins, a new fear often begins to take over: the fear of chemotherapy. In fact, we frequently hear from patients that their fear of treatment is greater than the fear of the … Continued

A Randomized Study Of 30 Of Our Patients: Some Surprising Results

Advanced cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatments often report suffering from insomnia, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and depression. In fact, experts estimate that as many as 50% of patients dealing with lung and other cancers experience fatigue syndrome (a combination of physical exhaustion, mental weariness, and reduced emotional stamina.) Many factors in cancer and treatment … Continued

Apple Cinnamon Cookies

Ingredients:   ½ Apple (large, grated) 1/3 cup Unsweetened Applesauce 1/3 cup Maple Syrup 3 tbsps melted Coconut Oil 1 tsp Vanilla Extract 1 ½ cups All Purpose Gluten-Free Flour 1 ½ tsps Cinnamon (plus more for on top) 1 tsp Baking Powder 1/8 tsp Sea Salt   Directions: Add the grated apple, applesauce, maple … Continued
