Block Center: Fighting Cancer with Everything That Works

Medicine is a science. To offer you your best chances of successful treatment and cure — for any problem — doctors follow the science and use the treatments and methods that have been shown to have a positive benefit and are known to help. At the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Chicagoland (Skokie, IL), this is the same logic we follow in our fight against cancer.



Integrative Cancer Treatment: More than just complementary or alternative therapies.

These days, “integrative cancer treatment” is almost a catchphrase, with most cancer care providers offering some kind of program that incorporates alternative or ancillary therapies and services into their care. But in most cases, those services are secondary or complementary rather than truly an integral part of these providers’ approach to effectively treating — and beating —cancer.


Trust the pioneers in fighting cancer on all fronts.

At the Block Center, we truly integrate into your cancer care those treatments, therapies, methods — everything — that science shows will help. This means conventional treatments — chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery — are used right alongside other effective methods, including chronomodulated therapy, lifestyle changes, diet, nutritional supplements, off-label medications, psychosocial support and counseling, vitamins, exercise and more.

At the Block Center, Keith Block, MD, Penny Block, PhD and their team are pioneers in integrative treatment who are recognized for setting the national standard in this fighting-on-all-fronts approach to cancer treatment.


Individualized cancer treatment tailored for your needs and best chances.

WHAT IS INTEGRATIVE CANCER TREATMENT? Integrative cancer care is that which pulls together the best science-based treatments, therapies and practices and fuses them, weaving them together into treatment plans coordinated to fight cancer on all fronts in a way that will be most appropriate and effective for each individual.

Your body — your organs, anatomy, physiology — is one of a kind. As a disease state within your individual physiology, your cancer is also unique. In fact, at the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment, we know that cancer is a systemic perversion of the body’s mechanisms that’s caused by genetic and molecular glitches. We also know that cancer affects each of us deeply, broadly and in ways that are also unique to each individual.

So the care we provide to help you beat the odds against cancer is personalized to your needs, lifestyle, disease profile, body chemistry, tumor tissue, molecular profiling and all other factors that are unique to you.


Leaders in integrative care partnering with you for optimal outcomes.

To put it simply, you are the centerpiece of our care and approach. Everything we do is about you, which is why we’re dedicated to boosting the effectiveness of your treatment while reducing its toxicity (and side effects). We get you involved in your care and work to restore your hope, preserve your dignity, keep you informed and empowered, and maximize your quality of life and odds against cancer.

For more about cancer care that is truly individualized and integrative, or to schedule an appointment, call 877-41-BLOCK (877-412-5625). You can also request an appointment using our easy online form.
