Curcumin & Tamoxifen

Curcumin is the primary component of the Indian spice turmeric, and is responsible for the bright yellow color of this popular spice. There is a significant amount of research demonstrating curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and, in fact, several laboratory studies have found that this botanical enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs in treating various … Continued

Remission should not mean the end of treatment

“We got it all.” Words every cancer patient loves to hear. And it is indeed news worth celebrating. However, you shouldn’t be fooled into thinking this favorable pronouncement means treatment is over and you can go back to life as it was before cancer. Consider this: What is the “it” that they got all of? … Continued

What to do when there’s “nothing left to do”

Hearing your oncologist say “there is nothing more that we can do for you” is undeniably traumatic and distressing. What he or she is essentially saying, however, is that there is nothing left in the conventional arsenal that can be done to eradicate the cancer. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is nothing else that can be done. At … Continued

Common diabetes drug, metformin, appears to reduce cancer risk

Metformin, a commonly prescribed drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, has been touted in several recent studies as having the potential to reduce the risk of cancer in people taking it to control their disease. Metformin (Glucophage) helps control both insulin levels and the amount of glucose produced by the liver. It’s given … Continued

12-Year Study Shows Doubling of Life Expectancy

EVANSTON, IL – A 12-year study conducted by the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment has shown a doubling of life expectancy for a group of 90 metastatic breast cancer patients. The results were published in the July/August issue of The Breast Journal. The women, diagnosed before 1998, participated in a comprehensive clinical program that … Continued

Ask Dr. Block: Chronomodulated Chemotherapy

What is chronomodulated chemotherapy and who should consider this approach to treatment? There are nine specific “clock-related” genes in our brainstems that control our time-dependent biological functions, including sleeping and eating patterns, heart rate, body temperature, and hormone production. Similarly, cancer cells also have time controls; they divide and rest at different times of any given … Continued

Ask Dr. Block: Tracking Progress

How do you track the progress of integrative cancer treatments at your center? What tests and measurements do you follow? The primary tests that we use the standard medical assessments including, but not limited to, tumor markers, CT scans, PET-CT Scans and monitoring of physical symptoms. These are absolutely necessary to make sure your treatment plan … Continued

5 Tips for Improving Sleep Quality

Restful, restorative sleep is the foundation for your mental and physical well-being.  But for many cancer patients, anxious, sleepless nights (followed by lethargic days) are all too common. Read on for tips to help you replace those nights with restful sleep and healthful activity. 
