Would you share suggestions on how to keep from getting cancer? I have had multiple different types of cancer as well as precancerous sites.
I’m not sure whether you have had cancer originating in several different organs, or whether you are discussing one cancer that has gone to several different sites in the body. From your description, I’ll assume it’s the first, such that you could have had, for example, skin cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.
If this is indeed the case, you should first be assessed for one of the genetic cancer risk syndromes so that your doctors can advise you more accurately about monitoring and prevention. I would also suggest a comprehensive lifestyle program, with a plant-based whole-foods diet, and an exercise and stress management program tailored to your specific needs.
It would also be helpful for you to get a comprehensive assessment of what I have long referred to as your internal “biochemical terrain.” This would allow us to assess for abnormally high levels of inflammation, oxidation, glycemia or other terrain factors that could be contributing to your history of “multiple different types of cancer.”
In my book, Life Over Cancer, the chapters addressing our core diet, prescriptive exercise and personalized mind-spirit programs would be important for helping you put together a more comprehensive regimen for combating your illness. Additionally, I would suggest the chapter on “what to do when treatment ends” which focuses on the first year you are cancer free, as well as the “remission maintenance program,” which details a long term plan for remaining cancer free.
For more information on The Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment, visit BlockMD.com.